247 Digital Revenue Engineers

Why Competitive Differentiation Matters for Digital Marketing in South Africa

In South Africa’s fast-paced and competitive digital landscape, businesses face increasing pressure to stand out. At 247 Digital, we believe that competitive differentiation is more than just a strategy—it’s the foundation of a successful and sustainable business model.   Whether you’re a small business looking to grow or a major player defending your market share, understanding and implementing competitive differentiation is key to driving results. Here’s how we approach it and how it can work for your business.   What Is Competitive Differentiation?   Competitive [...]

Market Your Business Successfully After The COVID-19 Pandemic

The pandemic brought about new challenges to many businesses, of all sizes.  Over the past eighteen months, things have reopened, but most businesses are not yet quite back to things as they were before the lockdowns. The focus remains on promoting safety and public health as things slowly get back to normal. It is essential to let all your customers know that keeping people safe is a priority for your business. At the same time, they should also realise that things are normalising in many [...]

The CIO agenda for the next 12 months: Six make-or-break priorities

The following is another great piece from Mckinsey. Besides the growth of digital tools, AI, and automation in all areas of the business, this article expands on the issues CIO’s need to deal with across the organisation. Its highlights how IT needs to be more aligned with the business. The rapid acceleration in digital, since the start of the pandemic, means that IT needs to be a business driving force and not just a tech provider. Click on the image below to get the full [...]

The Pandemic Has Changed The Way We Do Business

The pandemic has changed the way we sell What was once a time of urgency and panic has become a time of normalcy. The new normal if you will. The pandemic has certainly influenced engagement models, in enterprise clients who have complex sales cycles for high-value items or services and has brought about a new way of doing business. Organisation needs to adapt. With so many things changing, it's often difficult to focus on all these moving parts. This article is based on research on [...]

Turning A Lead Into A Devoted Customer With A Proven Sales Cycle

Contrary to what many people think, there really is a precise framework behind every purchase and every closed deal – even it appears to have been completely spontaneous. That framework has a name: the sales cycle. It is vital for everyone involved in the business of selling – marketers, sales experts, and entrepreneurs - to know more about this cycle, as it will increase the efficiency of your business, and also help you to close more deals. You no longer have to rely purely [...]

What You Need to Know About Lifecycle Marketing

Here's more about how you can put lifecycle marketing into practice, and how it can assist you and your brand. Just what is Lifecycle Marketing? Lifecycle marketing is a new approach companies use to attract buyers and to keep customers coming back for more during their entire buyer journey. It is based on the concept that it is much easier to hang onto an existing audience that is loyal, and feels satisfied with your service than it is to acquire new clients or an [...]

The Struggle To Be A Great Sales Manager Today

Middle management is often the hardest and most undervalued and underpraised of roles, especially when it comes to sales management. But do you think the following definition still applies to this role today? The term 'sales management' refers to the administration of the personnel and resources used in the process of selling a company's products and services. This includes the planning, implementing, and managing of sales programs, as well as handling the hiring, firing, and training of sales staff. This is missing a few [...]

2021-10-05T16:01:12+02:00CRM, Sales|
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